During our Summer Term LPS Review week, members of the Pupil Voice Group and the AoLe leader undertook classroom visits, Workbook Scrutiny and Listening to Learners activities.
We identified the following strengths related to our Action Plan:
- Evidence of build-up Oracy activities can be found in books or on class pages in a majority of classes. Where pupils have had the opportunity to rehearse key patterns and use technical vocabulary, standards of writing have improved.
- When listening to learners, they were able to discuss a range of Oracy strategies used as a build-up to writing and found that they helped them. With their first draft work.
- During a learning walk it was evident that Reading carousels take place in all classes. Nearly all pupils have the opportunity to use Topic books, Welsh books, Real-life Texts, and Electronic books which has fostered a love for reading and an enjoyment of real-life texts.
- When listening to learners it was clear that stories are shared or a class novel is read at the end of the day in nearly all classes.
- Data analysis confirms that nearly all children are reading at chronological age or better, unless there are specific reasons for this such as SEN, attendance etc.
- After undertaking data analysis and professional dialogue, children in nearly all classes show improved levels of reading resilience and are able to sustain levels of achievements during extended reading tasks.
- Within the LFP a range of pre-writing skills are taught (threading, finger gym, sorting, cutting, painting, tracking) and there are many opportunities for emergent writing to place both indoors and outdoors. Opportunities for tracking and copy-writing are also exploited in the Enhanced provision and as a result, nearly all children leave the LFP with good letter formation and an understanding of how writing has meaning.
- Within UFP and KS2, teacher modelling of formation and joins takes place weekly in nearly all classes. Opportunities to consolidate phonic blends and spelling patterns during this session also takes place periodically which has had a positive impact on pupil’s retention of key patterns.
- Pupils self-assess their handwriting in English and Welsh in many classes, therefore handwriting sessions are of a very good standard.
- During a learning walk it was clear that a Writer’s Wall is present in all classes and is being used explicitly in the writing journey in the majority of classes.
- During workbook scrutiny it was evident that the Literacy Booklet and Drafting and Editing booklet is followed by all classes in terms of content. As a result, standards of writing and redrafting are at or above the standards expected of that year group. However, the higher-level technical work in the LPS Literacy Booklet needs further consideration in the Autumn Term.
- During book scrutiny it was clear that there are a range of spelling games and carousel activities taking place in nearly all classes. After professional discussion, it was clear that both pupils and staff are gaining further enjoyment in the practical spelling sessions.
- From data analysis it was clear that spelling scores have increased this half term due to an investigative approach, however this approach is in its early stages of development and needs further monitoring in the Autumn Term.
Next Steps :
- To reinforce full process of writing development at LPS and monitor in Autumn Term 2019.
- To continue to monitor impact the newly developed investigative approach has on standards of spelling across the curriculum.
- To ensure standards of handwriting during session is equitable to that in other sessions.
- To continue to embed use of Wow words and the ‘Magpie’ strategy in order to develop vocabulary.
- To continue to monitor technical aspects of literacy booklet are evident in texts.
- To continue to monitor guided reading and use of Welsh resources at reading time.
- To continue to monitor reading progress across the school.