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LPS Matrix Stages to Develop Self Directed and Self Determined Learning
Engage & Prior Knowledge:
Our LPS Learning Projects provide an engaging hook to initiate all learning experiences.
Talk partners are used to gather and share prior knowledge surrounding the topic.
Children then feedback to staff who record this on the class display.
LPS Question Matrix:
Children then return to their talk partner to complete the Question Matrix. The Question Matrix provides a framework to support the children in structuring and verbalising higher order questions.
Talk partners negotiate in order to select ‘the best’ question to put forward for the class.
These questions are then recorded on the class display for children and staff to refer to throughout the learning process.
Children are encouraged to add to the display any learning that has taken place independently, either at home or in school.
This is revisited every 2-3 weeks and questions may be refined and/or added to, based on their learning within the topic.
Pupil Learning Journal & 4 Purposes:
From the Question Matrix, skills within the Pupil Learning Journal (PLJ) are selected and opportunities to explore these further, within the project, are discussed and recorded on the display.
The PLJ is used to assess pupils’ current position on the PLJ Rubric, identifying their individual targets and focus for improvement.
The focus will mainly be around the theme of the week; however, the pupil discussions will also identify additional skills within the PLJ.
Additionally, opportunities to work with other members of the LPS community are discussed and planned for collaboratively with the pupils.
Self-Directed and Self-Determined Learning:
The questions identified are discussed and then used as part of the children’s learning throughout the project.
Their higher order questions provide Pupil Voice to teacher’s planning of focused core learning and enhanced self-directed learning throughout the school.
This is a progressive approach throughout the whole school.
LPS pupils in Nursery, will offer their ideas and questions about a topic through carpet time discussion.
In Reception and Year 1 children are set a Star Challenge to extend their thinking and learning within Numeracy and Literacy.
In Year 2, enhanced provision is set at three levels of differentiation to enhance key skills across the curriculum.
In lower Key Stage 2, teachers plan activities based on pupil ideas and questions and link them to key and wider skills across the curriculum.
In upper Key Stage 2, teachers plan activities based on pupil ideas and questions and link them to key and wider skills across the curriculum. However, pupils have increasing independence in their approach to their learning.
LPS AfL System:
At the end of both focus sessions and enhanced sessions, pupils are given the opportunity to assess their learning against the success criteria using LPS systems.
Progress on their individual PLJ targets is also reviewed and next steps discussed.
At the end of the topic, all learning is reviewed through a ‘Super-Evaluation’ of the topic.