- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
Target Review:
In most classes, the re-structured approach to FP Challenges and KS2 Missions is providing opportunities for many children to suggest ideas or questions to be used within this approach which shows increased confidence in their application of skills across the curriculum.
For example when listening to learners, nearly all children said they enjoy and prefer the topic-based maths lessons, stating that they are: ‘More interesting because they are about the topic we are learning’ and ‘Maths that we use in real life’.
Most class teachers plan effective topic-based lessons that allow pupils to apply their skills to the standard of discrete core subject sessions. Examples of this can be found in KS2 where children have used a variety of skills to calculate the effect of gravity on various planets, to plot bearings and use map scales and they have also used data handling skills to present their scientific research.
Most pupils are confident to apply their key skills with increasing independence during Challenges, Missions and topic sessions. Nearly all pupils could describe what they do when they find their work difficult, e.g. they talk to friends, look at the class displays, look at previous work in their book, speak to an adult.
In nearly all classes, the use of our Drafting & Editing strategies is having a positive impact on the standard of writing throughout the school.
KS2 pupils make very good use of self and peer-assessment strategies using the LPS Marking Codes and success criteria to edit and improve their writing. As a result, writing continues to be at a very good standard across the curriculum.
Most pupils have demonstrated very good application of DCF skills across the curriculum, using our revised ICT curriculum map. This is evidenced in a variety of activities, focusing on skills such as coding, image manipulation and movie making.
Throughout the Spring and Summer term, our home-learning strategy has provided extended opportunities for self-determined learning and application of key and wider skills. Tasks set have provided pupils with opportunities to select appropriate methods and processes in which to record and present their learning.
Our home-learning strategy also provided opportunities for pupils to self-direct their learning, deciding on what it is they were going to explore and how they would present this to others.