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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Improving Attendance & Punctuality Strategies

The following strategies are implemented throughout the school in order to improve standards of attendance and punctuality at LPS:


Attendance Officer & Admin Team:

Registers are monitored by admin staff first thing each morning and “first call” implemented for any ‘N’ codes (no reason for absence). Parents can be contacted either by email, telephone call or app notification service.


Daily Monitoring Processes:

  1. Check telephone messages

  2. Check Llangyfelach/personal emails

  3. Check InVentry (Signing in system)

  4. Update registers (codes and reasons)

  5. L code should be used for lates between 9am – 9:30am. 

  6. U code should be used for lates after 9:30am. 

  7. Number of minutes late should be recorded in the “minutes late” box

  8. @ 9:20am check for any remaining N codes and collect absence data from teachers

  9. Update register with any new information

  10. Any remaining N codes – communication to home to clarify reason for absence.

  11. If a child is sent home unwell or leaves to attend an appointment during the day the office will ensure that the register is coded appropriately when the parent or guardian arrives at the main entrance to collect the child. Parents to ensure that their child is signed out of the electronic system.

  12. No child should end the day with an “N” code on the register!


Classroom Responsibilities:

  1. The responsibility of completing the register remains with the Teacher / TA until 9:30am in the morning registration period and 1:30pm for the afternoon period. 

  2. The office will then take over any updates after 9:30am and 1:30pm.

  3. There are two register periods that should be undertaken the same way, to establish children who are present, onsite and safe.

    1. AM Register period = 8:45am to 9:30am

    2. PM Register period = 1pm to 1:30pm

  4. A “/” (present) mark for children arriving between 8:45am to 9:05am

  5. A “L” (late) mark for a child arriving between 9:05am and 9:30am

  6. Completion and updating of Fire Registers throughout the day.

  7. It is important that the register is fully shut down (SIGN OUT OF SIMS) at 9:30am and 1:30pm in order for the office to see any updates that may have occurred.

  8. Please update the register (if necessary) before closing down.

  9. Please do not alter any codes that have been entered by the office.

  10. The following codes are the only ones that class staff can use:

    1. / = Present

    2. I = Illness (Please enter reason when supplied by parent or carer)

    3. M = Medical or Dental Appointment

    4. All other codes require SLT approval


Parental Responsibilities:

  • Contact the absence line on 01792 771497 to record the reason for absence.

  • You should state your child's name, class, reason for absence and expected return date. 

  • If you are unable to predict how long your child will be away from school you should report the absence each day until their return.

  • Please note that failure to notify the school of an absence will result in an "unauthorised" mark.

  • Multiple options available for absence reporting:

    • Absence line – can leave voicemail message at any time

    • Email to with reason for absence

    • In person – when dropping off siblings an absence can be reported directly to a member of admin staff in the main office.


Ongoing Monitoring Processes:

  • Regular meetings with Education Welfare Officer and Family Liaison Officer.

  • Weekly attendance meetings during the Admin Meetings (Headteacher & Admin Team).

  • Admin Team rigorously monitor the ‘I’ register code.
  • “Late Book” monitoring. Persistent lateness monitored regularly.

  • Late pupil target group to be worked with. Letter sent to all parents/guardians,

    followed by EWO monitoring a half termly basis.

  • Late door monitoring undertaken by EWO and letters administered.

  • Useful information/statistics regarding attendance on school website, newsletters, noticeboards, emails and information letters sent out termly.

  • ‘G & H’ codes used for term-time holidays in accordance with LA guidelines.

  • Regular monitoring of registers by admin staff and discussion with class teachers in order to identify any issues as early as possible.

  • Fortnightly meetings with EWO (more frequent if necessary) to discuss pupil referrals.

  • Good relationships between staff and parents cultivated. This allows parents to feel confident in asking for help when attendance becomes a problem (e.g. family illness; disabled siblings). The school will endeavour to help wherever possible.

  • The school can identify pupils/classes where attendance is poor by:

    • Ensuring attendance data in SIMS is timely and accurate (daily monitoring by admin staff)

    • Using this data to produce reports to use in discussion with Headteacher and EWO    



  • 100% attendance is celebrated in assemblies (termly attendance and full academic year attendance) where children are awarded certificates.

  • Good to be Green Positive Behaviour Policy – encourages pupils to attend to achieve their behaviour point and reward.

  • End of term fun days encourage pupils and families to attend the last day of term.

  • Weekly Class Winner Award – every awards assembly finishes with notification of the class with the best attendance of the week. The winning class receives a popcorn icon to place on the relevant display (Pictogram). The leading class by July, receives an award – Cinema Trip.


​​​​​​​​​​​​Termly & Annual ​​Monitoring Strategies:

  1. Undertake regular reviews of attendance codes in order to reduce persistent absenteeism.

  2. Undertake termly analysis of broken weeks to establish patterns and persistence.

  3. During LPS Review Fortnight the attendance officer and SLT analyse attendance issues and strategies for improving. Focusing on:

  • Persistent absenteeism

  • Broken weeks

  • Patterns of absence or punctuality 

  • Holiday requests

  • Illness

  • Cohort and phase issues

  • Coding queries

  • Staff training requirements

  • Vulnerability issues


​​​​​​​Contingency Planning:

In the event of the absence of the admin team the following procedures will be followed:

  1. SLT to undertake the daily monitoring process as described above.
  2. SLT to update the admin team on their return regarding any concerns or important information.
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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392