- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
During our review activities, members of the Pupil Voice Group and the AoLe Leader undertook workbook scrutiny and Listening to Learners activities (pupil questionnaire). Additionally, the AoLe Leader completed data analysis of standardised testing and reviewed progress of the new LPS Curriculum projects.
We identified the following strengths related to our Action Plan;
All classes have produced purposeful topic-based Numeracy activities within their new LPS Projects, all of which have continued to allow pupils to confidently demonstrate a high standard of work equitable to discreet maths lessons. For example, in KS2 learners plotted bearings for World War II bombers and used their data handling skills when investigating the speed of deadly animals. In the Foundation Phase, learners used their reasoning skills to solve passenger problems on the Mumbles Train.
All class teachers use LPS Numeracy Scheme to plan and teach effective lessons appropriate to the age and ability of the pupils. These lessons include a range of place value activities and a variety of lessons focusing on the four operations. This is providing lessons which are appropriate for age while allowing for extension or consolidation. As a result, learners are using their knowledge and application of these areas within their numeracy tasks with increasing confidence, as evidenced in their workbooks and within our tracking systems.
Analysis of data (INCERTS & Standardised Testing) along with professional discussions (involving SLT, ALN Leader, class teachers and teaching assistants) identified learners that would benefit from additional targeted support through the provision of Boost Groups and/or in-class differentiation. Regular discussion takes place to ensure that all available support for learners is allocated to the right areas across the school. This has resulted in many of these learners making good progress. The LPS Numeracy Scheme supports in-class differentiation while boost groups receive targeted intervention planned for by class teachers.
The MathMagicians surveyed members of their class and found that:
95% enjoy Maths lessons (24% increase from Summer 2021).
86% use Maths outside school.
99% want to do well in Maths.
91% contribute Maths question to QM board.
99% feel their teacher explains things clearly.
72% regularly complete MyMaths homework.
98% feel confident with addition
97% feel confident with subtraction
80% feel confident with multiplication
57% feel confident with division
94% feel confident with PV
These responses show that nearly all learners feel positive towards maths and enjoy the subject. It is also evident that learners recognise the importance of numeracy within their topic-based learning and they have confidence in the teaching and learning experiences they receive. The high level of confidence in place value shows that the focused teaching during this term, along with that of the Summer Term, has had a positive and lasting impact. Whilst confidence is high in addition and subtraction, it is clear that multiplication and division are areas to develop learner confidence.
Next Steps:
Create an instructional video to encourage regular uptake of MyMaths homework.
PVG to familiarise themselves with DoL and SWM in readiness to review new LPS projects.
Monitor provision, support and progress of all pupils, particularly those with low confidence in 4 operations (multiplication, division).