- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
Expressive Arts Review
Within Foundation Phase classrooms children are enthusiastic about areas within Expressive Arts. Children are engaged when completing creative activities. Children explained that they sing Welsh songs everyday which they thoroughly enjoy. Children expressed they have a different role play area every half term and are very excited to have ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’ this half term. This links closely to their Wonderful Woodland Topic this term. From looking at the children’s focused tasks and enhanced provision the children are having lots of opportunities to complete Expressive Arts activities.
Within Upper Key Stage 2 the children explained they act as part of 'Vlogging' every Monday for part of their Learning Journal based on the school’s weekly focus. They were able to show me the evidence on the School’s website and class page. The children were excited to explain this activity in great detail. The children added they also do drawings based on their topic each term. The children referred to their display board which showed their Art work they had completed during the first half of the Autumn term.
Within all Key Stage 2 classrooms teachers are currently planning on implementing ‘Mission’ tasks similar to the ‘Challenge Board’ within the Foundation Phase. Within Key Stage 2 the children will have an input to the tasks which will be displayed on their ‘Missions’. Children will be asked to complete this work independently during afternoon sessions to enhance their higher order thinking skills, independence and confidence.
Within Llangyfelach Primary School a some children have access to learning the Ukulele every Thursday. In addition to this few children have the opportunity to learn how to play Guitar and the Drums with an external teacher. However more Drama and Music based activities need to be planned for by class teachers linking to the 'Conerstones' topic in order to provide children with a range of opportunities.