- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
AoLE Leaders have provided action plans to move the school forward within their Area of Learning, using evidence from last years monitoring activities and research.
Each AoLE Pupil Voice Group is embedded and are developing their leadership through the termly review activities. This contributes greatly to the the level of pupil voice across the school.
AoLE Leaders use the LPS Middle Leadership Booklet to measure their leadership impact and set personal targets with support from their Performance Management Leaders.
AoLE Leaders are maintaining their website pages to share developments with the whole community and wider. They use this area to feedback their findings from the LPS Review Weeks and present this information to linked governors.
Pupils have been given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and qualities, further enhancing their roles within the PVGs by setting targets within action plans in order to improve standards and provision across the school - working along side their AoLE Leader;
During review week, PVGs have undertaken listening to learners exercises, undertaken workbook scrutiny, formulated and analysed community questionnaires and have fed back their evaluations and next steps to leadership teams across the school.
These systems are having a very positive impact on the development of the Curriculum for Wales at LPS and our SIP targets. This is reflected feedback from Governors during our Review Week, "The HHH Pupil Voice Group have worked really hard in order to support pupils in all classes in response to the restrictions in place currently. It is evident that they are passionate, and they take real responsibility for their role within the school. They have really had to 'think outside the box' in order to continue to deliver and share their expertise. The Four Purposes already shining through! The PVG of HHH and Eco Warriors are working systematically alongside each other, towards the RRSA Award by linking the PLJ to a Right each week - classes are gathering evidence weekly. This is a great way to work towards the award."
AoLE Leaders began work on devising the new LPS Curriculum throughout the INSET week during October 2020. The next development phase will be to enable our learners to tailor their learning projects to their ideas and interests.
Next Steps:
AoLE Leaders and PVGs to review all Learning Projects within the new LPS Curriculum ensuring that there is continuity, progression and deepening within the following areas:
Coverage of SWM
Cross-curricular Skills (LNF & DCF)
Integral Skills (Wider Skills)
Cross-cutting Themes
AoLE and Curriculum areas within our website to effectively communicate our provision and developments regarding the new curriculum.