- To establish high expectations and pride in everything we do – both of ourselves and of the children.
- To create a clear and consistent set of guidelines for the presentation of the children’s learning.
- To motivate each individual to present their work in the best possible way.
- To enable children to recognise work that is presented to a high standard.
- To ensure each child knows the standard of presentation that is expected of them.
- To create consistency in standards of presentation across the school.
- To provide a baseline for judging acceptable standards of presentation.
Use of Workbooks
- In Reception, all work will be completed on large sheets of paper or on worksheets initially. These will be stored in folders. When their pencil control improves, pupils will receive their First Workbook where all work will be completed. It is then that they will learn how to position letters correctly on lines and a number in each square in readiness for Year 1.
- The children will receive a Language, Mathematics and Cornerstone book. They will also have a mental maths and spelling book.
- Language book: All first draft work will be carried out in this book. There will be evidence of a clear progression in genre specific writing activities which will lead up to the planning stage. The planning stage will consist of the use of a genre specific planning skeleton. The first draft of a piece of extended writing will follow the planning skeleton. Handwriting, stand-alone grammar and punctuation work will be completed in this book. Specific Welsh patterns will also be carried out in this book.
- Mathematics book: Stand-alone mathematics skills will be in the mathematics book.
- Cornerstone book: At the start of each project a discussion will take place about what the children already know, questions and what they would like to find out. This will be presented in the form of a graphic design with the title of the project. All other pieces of cross curricular work, numeracy linked to their project and Welsh writing linked to their project will also be in this book.
- Engage stage: The child should write this at the start of the book in the top left hand corner. They should then go on to write Develop and the other corners when reaching them in the project.
- Mental Maths tests and Spelling tests will be in an individual test book.
Expectations for staff
- To model high standards of presentation and to promote high expectations.
- To use resources available to model good practice e.g. IWB, lines, grids.
- To model the correct formation of letters.
- All handwriting which is on display for the children should be joined as modelled in the Nelson handwriting scheme, consistently formed and neat.
- All children’s work should be marked using the agreed marking policy.
- When sticking labels, learning objectives, headings etc in books ensure they are straight and cut to the correct size.
- When creating worksheets, use the font Comic Sans.
- Worksheets should be used very occasionally. Children should work freely in their books to allow them to think and plan without the constraints that worksheets can give.
Expectations for Foundation Phase children
- When pupils are forming letters correctly and of consistent size, they will be rewarded by receiving their first workbook.
- Pencils should be used within all books.
- All letters should be formed correctly and sit neatly on the line.
- Letters should be joined by the end of Year 2, in line with the Nelson scheme.
- Coloured pencils are used for drawings only.
- The lesson objective, date (in Welsh) and success criteria should be stuck neatly at the top of the page.
- A new page should be started for a new piece of work.
Expectations for Key Stage 2 children
- In Year 3, a blue pen is given to a pupil as a reward for excellent presentation.
- All pupils should be writing in a blue biro by Spring Term Year 3, if not before.
- Handwriting should be joined and legible in line with the Nelson scheme.
- If a mistake is made, one straight line is drawn through it in pen using a ruler.
- Coloured pencils only are used for adding colour to drawings and illustrations.
- Date is written in Welsh in the top left hand side header and underlined using a ruler.
- A line is left underneath the date before copying the lesson objective e.g. LO:....
- A line is left under the LO before copying the success criteria
- A line is left under success criteria before writing a title and underlining with a ruler.
- A line is left under the title before starting a piece of work.
- All pieces of work should be completed.
- A new page is used for a new piece of work.
Expectations for presentation within mathematics
- One number is written in one square
- A ruler and pencil is used to draw shapes, straight lines, axis, graphs and tables.
- A pen is used to label shapes, graph title and label tables etc.
Expectations for presentation in Handwriting
- The Nelson scheme is the agreed scheme for teaching handwriting.
- The agreed handwriting formation will be modelled by staff when they are writing on the IWB etc.
- Arial font is the preferred style for all worksheets and hand-outs.
- Use the right size letters when you need to – capital letters at the start of sentences and for proper nouns.
- Handwriting is taught for 1 session per week and as an integral part of spelling and phonics lessons.
Left-handed Children
- Don’t automatically equate left-handedness with problems, but it helps to remember that left-handed children have different needs from right-handers.
- It is important that left-handed children can see what they are writing.
- They should sit where elbows do not bump right-handers and where they are not in their own shadow.
- Encourage them to hold their writing tool away from the point so that their thumb does not get in the way.
- Particular care should be taken with anti-clockwise letters in the letter family: c, o, d, g, q, e.
Presentation and ICT
Using a word processor gives an immediately attractive, uniform look to a child’s writing which can be especially satisfying and can boost the confidence of a child with poor handwriting. At all times, children should be encouraged to think about the purpose of the piece of writing and what audience it is for and this should influence the final presentation of their writing e.g. choice of font, justification, use of bullet points, colour etc.
Assessment for Learning
- Highlighting should only be done with the child i.e.
- Teacher-Child, Peer-Peer or for Self-assessment
- Green highlighting pencils are used for successful elements.
- Yellow highlighting pencils are used for elements that could be improved.
Additional Learning Needs
We recognise that pupils learn at different rates and that there are many factors affecting achievement including physical needs. We understand that many pupils, at some time in their school career, may experience difficulties which affect their learning, and we recognise that these may be long or short term. At Llangyfelach Primary School we aim to identify these needs as they arise and provide teaching and learning contexts which enable every child to achieve to his or her full potential.
We will ensure that:
- When recording work, alternatives to written recording are offered if needed, e.g. drawing, scribing, word processing, mind maps, digital images.
- ICT is used to support teaching, learning and presentation of work.
- The use of colour and font is well-thought out in order to support those with visual impairments.
- Programmes of support are used to improve coordination.
Outcomes of Presentation Policy
- Children of all abilities are able to present their work to the highest possible standard increasing their confidence and self-esteem.
- There is consistency across the school in terms of the standard of presentation expected.
- Progression in presenting work between each class is evident and understood by all children and adults.