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Play, Learn and Grow Together


  • LPS has a comprehensive ICT scheme and curriculum map, that incorporates online safety - which is directly related to the DCF. 

  • All pupils have access to a progression model with regards to online safety all through the whole school, across the curriculum.

  • All pupil's progress is tracked and assess using our online assessment tool (Incerts).

  • This aspect of the ICT curriculum of the school has strong links with the health and well-being area of learning.

  • We have links to external agencies (3), to offer additional workshops to all members of the community to strengthen this area. 


  • LPS ensure that the DCF Citizenship strand is mapped across the curriculum and throughout the school's Four-Core Purposes development programme (Pupil Learning Journal).

  • This aspect of the ICT curriculum of the school has strong links with the health and well-being area of learning.

  • We have links to external agencies (3), to offer additional workshops to all members of the community to strengthen this area. 


  • LPS iTeam meet regularly with other Pupil Voice Groups (PVG), classes and staff to glean a current position on online safety and new technologies awareness. This informs the team and the leaders (Lee Burnell and Zachariah Higgins) to lead development within this area across the school. These meeting provide action plans for the implementation of new technologies and security strategies - working alongside external agencies to support (3, PCSO, Childline).

  • The LPS iTeam have undertaken research alongside the PVG leaders (LPS Review Week) to identify areas of online safety coverage throughout the school. This research has enabled the team to contact external agencies to provide online safety workshops, classroom sessions and support for other pupils, parents and other members of the LPS community.


  • There is a planned programme for online safety training, for all staff, which is regularly reviewed. Staff induction training incorporates online safety training - within all training and inductions there are clear links to the LPS safeguarding suite of policies and procedures. 

  • Online questionnaires and DCF needs-tool analysis are completed to audit training needs and review targets for all staff. 

  • Accreditation for key members of staff is sought to have an enhanced level of training. 


  • The online safety governor meets regularly with the iTeam to help shape policies, procedures and online education. 

  • Governors attend parent online-safety workshops.

  • The iTeam and the ICT leader generate termly reviews for the headteachers reviews to governors (Review Week) and present occasionally. 

  • Governors have regular information sent to them and training materials via Microsoft Teams, email and HWB.

  • Area of Learning Leaders will also condense their reports for the whole school community, presented on the LPS website under their area.  Therefore, all stakeholders are informed of progress and developments on a termly basis - This approach is vital for providing Governors with the right information on the current performance of the school. It provides the opportunity for them to challenge effectively.


  • The LPS admissions pack incorporates online safety agreements, home-school link agreement, GDPR compliance, online-learning tool consent and information regarding online safety awareness. The admission packs are replenished through every phase of the school (Nursery, Foundation Phase, Key Stage 2). 

  • Parents undertake online questionnaires regarding online safety, and are regularly informed of curriculum developments and programmes that their children have access to, as well as their children's school achievements via the school website.

  • Parents are invited to online safety workshops, promoted and presented by the iTeam and external agencies (3). 


  • The online safety governor meets regularly with the iTeam to help shape policies, procedures and online education. These meeting provide action plans for the implementation of new technologies and security strategies - working alongside external agencies to support (3, PCSO, Childline).

  • Governors also attend parent online-safety workshops.

  • Parents undertake online questionnaires regarding online safety, and are regularly informed of curriculum developments and programmes that their children have access to, as well as their children's school achievements via the school website.

  • Parents are invited to online safety workshops, promoted and presented by the iTeam and external agencies (3). 

  • LPS undertakes termly Digital Citizenship sessions related to their topics and Learning Projects.
    The LPS Personal Learning Journal focuses on Cross-curricular and Integral Skills which incorporate online safety, wellbeing and citizenship. this has a focus for all work in the week and is initiated through whole school assembly.  

  • Our Health & Wellbeing Progression Model adopts the Jigsaw approach, which invests much focus of online safety and behaviours.  

  • These are regular features of discussions during class assemblies and circle times.

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    Play, Learn and Grow Together

    Termly Attendance
    • Whole School 94.2
    • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
    • Reception 91.7
    • Year 1 95
    • Year 2 92.2
    • Year 3 95.2
    • Year 4 93.7
    • Year 5 96.7
    • Year 6 92.7
    House Points
    • Glyndwr 6,449
    • Llewellyn 5,349
    • Caradog 6,392