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With regards to self-evaluations and improvement planning, we as leadership hold weekly meetings to ensure that there are no issues that need resolving and that everyone is working towards maintaining the same high standards that LPS Wraparound offers. Then on an annual basis we carry out a service review, get feedback from parents and staff and use all of this information to write our quality of care report, which identifies what works well and the areas that need improving.
On a termly basis, each member of Wraparound has a self-evaluation with a member of the leadership team, where the staff member highlights where they feel they are working at within the SSTEW Scale. During a meeting with a member of the leadership team they will review and discuss what they have highlighted and agree on targets, next steps and a deadline in order to improve and progress within their job role. This approach has been used and it has proved beneficial as staff can see exactly what level they are working at and can visualise what they need to do in order to progress to the next judgement to be able to improve for both themselves and the children they are working with. Feedback from staff has been 'it's useful as it helps me know exactly what I need to do next with regards to each strand in order to better myself'.
Everyone who works within the Wraparound service are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities, especially with regards to the health & safety, safeguarding and wellbeing of all (children, staff and visitors). These are things that regular training is provided on in order to ensure that all of the staff's knowledge on the topics is up to date.
Everyone who works within the service are fully aware that we are all here to provide a safe and engaging environment for the children to play, learn and grow together in an environment where everyone feels safe and valued.
Our aims and vision are all centered around the growing and development of each child as an individual and they include:
Provide high quality day care that enhances the development, care and education of all children in a safe and stimulating environment, where they learn through play and collaboration between our staff and other children. We believe this philosophy promotes the development of positive self-esteem and confidence in children.
Use 'Development Pathways Wales at relevant ages and ability levels in order to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to support the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of each child.
Assist each individual to reach their full potential and develop life-long learning skills.
Meet children’s needs as individuals and within groups as a provider of full day care.
Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound is an English speaking medium setting, which encourages and develops the Welsh language to develop bilingualism skills.
Priorities for Improvement:
Provide support, training and advice for staff to develop more detailed and structured project plans that considers learner voice and choice, within the afterschool club and outdoor provision.
Further develop the LPSW staff review system, providing training and support using the SSTEW Scale framework.
Review assessment procedures, in light of the Foundation Phase Framework moving towards the New Curriculum for Wales arrangements.
LPSW Assessment of Leadership & Management: Good