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Play, Learn and Grow Together



The PVG and AoLE Leader undertook Workbook Scrutiny, Listening to Learners and a Webpage Look.


We identified the following strengths related to our Action Plan:


  • All classes have made links to health and well-being through their Cornerstone topic using topic webs, pupil voice sessions and the question matrix. Learners could show evidence of this work in their mission books and on their webpage. Learners in KS2 shared how their missions were self-directed, with Year 6 pupils researching astronauts, and how they kept their strength up. These strategies are contributing to child- initiated learning across the school and empowering pupils to have ownership over their learning and outcomes.
  • All classes have evidence of the PLJ in their literacy books or on their webpage. Nearly all learners in KS2 could talk about how they use the strands of the PLJ in their learning throughout the week and then reflected on this at the end of the week. There is evidence of incorporating PLJ into other areas of learning, such as giving Goldilocks information on how to behave and care for others.  
  • The Happy Healthy Helpers have made a good start at offering training to new members of the PVGs and other PVGs. All members of the HHH are fully involved in the planning and delivery of Emotion coaching. The HHH discussed their roles and progress with the cluster Health and Well-being leads, promoting links between cluster schools. 
  • All learners in the HHH and Eco warriors are involved in the writing of the action plan to work towards the Silver Rights Respecting School Award. Both PVGs have worked collaboratively and have decided to meet every half term to discuss the action plan and progress made. This allows learners to build relationships with others, demonstrating problem solving and leadership skills. The HHH began linking the strands of the PLJ to the Rights of the Child. 
  • Outdoor learning is fully embedded in FP. In KS2, outdoor learning mainly takes place during PE sessions; however both Year 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend a residential. Year 6 have recently had a week at Carreg Adventure where outdoor learning is a vital part of their trip. Learning outdoors supported their development of resilience, sense of wellbeing and gave them a chance to create rich activities to nurture creativity.

    Our next steps are:
  • To continue to support the Happy Healthy Helpers to offer emotion coach training to the other PVGs. This will enhance pupil understanding of emotions, how they respond to them and how they impact relationships.
  • To further develop outdoor learning for KS2 throughout the academic year using the development of curriculum maps.
  • To continue to work collaboratively with the Eco Warriors towards the Silver Rights Respecting School Award. To promote and explore the Rights of the Child in our PLJ class assemblies. 


Physical Education at LPS


  • There has been increased engagement and enjoyment in PE this year as nearly all pupils stated that they enjoy and look forward to their PE lessons.
  • Nearly all classes within KS2 have integrated DCF components into PE sessions in order to enhance their lessons. For example, the use of iPads in Year 5 to allow pupils to reflect on their performances. 
  • Nearly all pupils have demonstrated an improved understanding of what it means to be healthy. For instance, pupils in Year 2 spoke about balanced diets and regular exercise.
  • Nearly all pupils questioned explained how they have experienced a wide range of sports and activities this year. For example, swimming, gymnastics and rugby.
  • There has been continued success with our partnership with Swansea City A.F.C. Nearly all pupils involved have enjoyed and engaged well in both physical and academic activities.


Our next steps are:

  • Monitor the use of success criteria during PE lessons.
  • Ensure Physical Development is included within pupil-led planning and topic related where suitable.
  • To incorporate daily exercise into the life of the school.  
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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392