- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
Autumn Term Review:
Health and Well-Being Leaders have been appointed and created an action plan for developing Health and Well-Being across the school.
Area Leaders have worked within a cluster Health and Well-Being PLC to research and prepare for the What Matters Statements in readiness for the new curriculum. New leaders have provided an effective plan to move the school forward in this area of learning.
Health & Wellbeing PVG set up to develop this area across the school and focus on specific targets for improvement such as Emotion Coaching to support pupil wellbeing (See Turn your Frown Upside Down Gallery).
The PVG groups regularly meet and work alongside Area Leaders to co-construct curriculum developments.
The PVG has gained leadership skills in their area, forming opinions of where their area needs to develop as a result of their monitoring activities. PVGs working collaboratively in order to build a cross curricular approach to raising standards in their areas of learning.
The PLJ has been introduced to all classes. Weekly assemblies introduce foci of the week. Focus discussed at all opportunities and are linked with end of the week rewards assembly. (See PLJ Area).
The PLJ has enabled the whole school community to focus on developing the four core purposes. Weekly review sessions allow for more in-depth discussion and self-reflection in order to develop further understanding. (See Year 6 Super Evaluations) (See Year 5 PLJ Vloggs).
The PLC group has established strong network links for the newly developed leaders as a school and a cluster. Knowledge gleaned from the PLC sessions has fed into action plan developments, therefore providing greater focus to key developments.
Spring Term Review:
In all classes, challenge boards and topic webs are being used to enrich learner’s independence and to give them a voice in the planning and learning. Most learners could talk about the process of pupil voice and how their ideas shared are used in the planning of challenges and missions. These strategies are contributing to child-initiated learning across the school and empowering pupils to have ownership over their learning and outcomes.
Nearly all classes have made links to health and wellbeing using cross curricular themes. All children had a good knowledge of the importance of keeping fit and healthy.
The use of the pupil drop in ‘Turn your frown upside down’ has grown and those who attended could talk about how it supports the understanding of emotions and social situations.
All pupils provided positive feedback when asked if they enjoyed Physical Education.
Nearly all pupils felt that their ideas are listened to regarding PE at LPS.
Nearly all pupils were able to explain how they contributed to generating ideas for their PE lessons. Challenge boards in Foundation Phase and Topic Webs in Key Stage 2.
Nearly all pupils explained that they undertake a wide and varied range of activities and sports.
Every pupil spoken to had an excellent understanding of what it means to be healthy & were able to explain the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Most classes have a DCF component in their PE sessions.
All pupils have gained an excellent understanding of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Nearly all pupils spoken to enjoy PE and feel that their ideas and opinions are listened to and valued therefore encouraging greater pupil enthusiasm.
Nearly all pupils have developed a greater interest in sport as a result of lessons and clubs in school.
Our next steps are:
To continue to support the Happy Healthy Helpers to run ‘Turn your frown upside down’ and support them in the activities.
To further develop the focus on wellbeing in lessons across the school.
To support the Happy Healthy Helpers to offer emotion coach training to the other PVGs
Classes will continue to integrate more DCF components into PE sessions.
Classes will continue to develop the use of Challenge Boards and Topic Webs in relation to PE.
Summer Term Review:
All Support Staff have received extensive training regarding specific learning difficulties, during INSET, which have improved awareness, knowledge and support for ALN pupils.
Newly appointed ALNCo has received copious training regarding ALN Bill and new legislation in order to improve leadership and application of her role within the school.
As a result, the ALNCo is able to disseminate up-to-date and relevant information at all levels.
ALNCo training has developed effective links with other schools to improve support for severe and complex needs and Health & Wellbeing.
Nearly all classes have made links to health and wellbeing through their Cornerstone topic using cross curricular themes and through activities during Wellbeing Week.
Most children could talk confidently about the Pupil Learning Journal and how they use it in class. All classes had evidence of PLJ in their literacy books or on their website. There is evidence of incorporating PLJ into other areas of learning, such as using observation skills to interpret a piece of art work.
All FP classes participate in outdoor learning. All children could talk enthusiastically about their Messy Monday, Welly Wednesday and Funday Friday. Learning outdoors supports the development of healthy and active lifestyles, sense of well-being and gives them rich activities to nurture creativity.
Our next steps are:
To further develop the coverage of wellbeing and use of outdoor learning across the school by creating a provision map in line with the new curriculum.