- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
4.1: All staff track and monitor progress effectively across the school, to provide very good learning support to nearly all learners. This is due to the effective use of refined tracking systems that support clear and consistent procedures. All staff are fully involved in the process, using a wide range of data to support the planning for learning opportunities effectively.
"The school has robust systems to identify the specific needs of pupils and provides them with well-considered support for their physical health and emotional well-being. The additional learning needs co-ordinator works effectively in partnership with teaching assistants, other schools, and outside agencies to provide valuable support for learners with additional learning needs. This has been effective in supporting pupils’ learning and well-being following the recent pandemic".
Estyn, 2022
This enables all staff to input, access and analyse vital information related to pupil progress and attainment. This database holds the following information which is accessible for class teachers, AoLE Leaders and Senior Leaders, both on site and off site. This centrally held information is highly effective in supporting the following systems:
Other sources of data and tracking information include the use of CCoS Vulnerable Assessment Profile (VAP), National Test Data Analysis and internal standardised testing. These add further clarity to a refined system of support that improves provision for nearly all learners and impacts favourably on their standards and wellbeing.
Provision for pupils who need additional support is strong and the school uses a wide range of programmes that meet their needs successfully. For example, Boxall Online, SNAP Assessment Profiling, Speech Link, Language Link and Wellcomm for tracking wellbeing throughout the school. Leaders and teachers use assessment information well to plan effective support in classes and through withdrawal groups. The school identifies pupils who need support at an early stage. Staff provide high quality individualised plans for relevant pupils, and regularly conduct comprehensive reviews of their progress.
There is excellent interaction between pupils, parents and staff and most pupils are fully aware of their targets. Skilful teaching assistants make extremely positive contributions to the progress in development of pupils’ targets. For example, our Higher-Level TA tracks and plans intervention for various groups such as ALN, Boost and Wellbeing. Their reports and assessment are fed back to class teachers to provide accurate information on pupil progress and learning needs. The HLTA is also funded through the school PDG grant, which demonstrates excellent value for money and effective use of resources as our FSM pupils perform very favourably due to the support provided.
Support is carefully planned to allow continuity of the curriculum and learning experiences to not be adversely affected. The nature of support, whether classroom based or withdrawn into groups is well planned, focused and appropriate to the child’s individualised plans, which are reviewed termly or when required. Regular reviews of progress are undertaken, including Annual Reviews in line with statutory requirements. As well as fulfilling statutory requirements, the school funds various ‘groups’ to support learning needs which further improve progress.
Due to the school context, RCSIG funding does not cover the necessary support required for raising standards across the school. However, LPS allocates further funding to meet the needs of all learners. All groups of learners make very good progress in core areas of learning across the school. The school works closely and in partnership with parents to give advice on supporting their children with Additional Learning Needs. More able pupils are tracked and monitored to ensure they receive the appropriate challenge in all year groups. The ALN team carry out regular meetings with parents that require support and advice. With support from external agencies, they also hold Parent Workshops on various topics related to ALN.
Parents are well informed about their children's progress through regular meetings and annual written reports. Parents also receive a commentary sheet during our termly parent consultation meetings to inform of progress and targets. The school offers a good range of opportunities for parents to learn how to support their children’s wellbeing, for example through workshops that provide clarity on how to stay safe online or promoting healthy lifestyles. Home School link books offered to individuals as a valuable opportunity for parents to set up dialogue with their child’s teacher. These have often been used to help children with behavioural issues at home, returning positive results.
Our school website informs the whole school community of events, documentation, support and advice. The website offers an excellent virtual learning environment, which can be accessed from home. Very positive comments have been given to the school by parents, pupils and also colleagues from other schools. The website is designed to be a window into the school for anyone who requires further information, in whatever capacity.
The SLT have improved strategies for promoting attendance and these are refined year on year. Systems such as weekly class attendance award – the class with the best attendance record over time are rewarded with a trip to the Cinema. This is celebrated every week in awards assembly and shared using a whole school display. The school ensures that parents and pupils are aware of the value of attending school regularly and of arriving on time. This is reflected in the continued upward trend in our attendance data over time. However, there is evidence that persistent absenteeism is increasing.
The school works closely with its Educational Welfare Officer in order to improve attendance across the school. Collaboration with many agencies and specialist services to ensure that disadvantaged learners are provided with quality education and can succeed despite varying circumstances, such as;
Additionally, there is very good support at LPS for pupils with emotional needs. Our ALN and Health & Wellbeing Leader work closely with families and pupils requiring support and intervention. They work effectively with outside agencies such the Local Authority Behavioural Team, Referral Units, Counselling Service and Bereavement Services. This multi-agency working has provided very good support for pupils and families to improve emotional wellbeing. Our Health and Wellbeing Leader and Pupil Voice Group (HHH) members have undertaken Emotion Coaching Training and have set up a ‘Drop in’ service for all pupils. This is having a positive effect on the wellbeing for learners accessing this service. Additionally, developing leadership skills for our PVG members.
4.2: Personal Development is very good. LPS is a very caring and welcoming community where staff place a high emphasis on the wellbeing of all pupils and daily practice supports the school’s vision ‘Play, Learn and Grow Together.’
Pupils show good levels of respect, care and concern for others. Members of staff know pupils well and use this knowledge to provide effective support and guidance for individuals. This helps to raise pupils’ self-esteem and wellbeing. Nearly all pupils feel cared for and valued. Pupils’ responses to our online questionnaire demonstrate that children enjoy coming to Llangyfelach. They feel they are taught to be healthy and that they are supported in their learning. 99.2% of learners feel they can ask if they don’t understand something and know how to get support if they need it.
The school has developed and embedded a range of agreed policies and systems which effectively promote healthy living, pupil’s emotional and physical well-being, and positive behaviour. All staff are aware of these and are consistent in their approach to implementing them. Numerous systems throughout the school, along with effective partnerships with outside agencies, help children develop self-awareness, manage their feelings and gain self-respect. The views of pupils and parents are sought through questionnaires and discussions. Parental response is strong, which enables the school to improve and meet the needs of our community. 100% of parents feel that their child settles into LPS well and 96% believe that their child is safe at LPS.
The school makes appropriate arrangements to promote exercise and healthy eating and drinking, for example fruit at snack times and the effective use of the Climbing Trail and the LPS Allotment, which sells produce to the whole community. There are established weekly programmes, across the school, to promote health related exercise through our links with the Cluster Sports Events Calendar, Swansea City Football Club (Premier League Primary Stars), Swimming Sessions and our Cluster Rugby Development Officer. This enables the school to offer very good health, fitness and well-being education. Experienced staff are timetabled across the school for this quality provision to impact all learners. This is further enhanced by extensive experiences through the curriculum in areas such as health related exercise projects, science topics and the school’s commitment to promote healthy lifestyles. The curriculum provides engaging activities for pupils to participate in sports, such as gymnastics, invasion games, fitness classes and swimming. A range of after-school sports clubs promotes pupils’ fitness and team building opportunities.
Teaching assistants provide valuable guidance and support in their work with intervention groups. Provision for pupils with additional learning needs is very good. Staff identify pupils with additional needs effectively at an early stage. The school provides suitable, targeted support through a wide range of programmes and involves parents fully in the process. Our Home Learning strategies are excellent for supporting and extending learning outside of school hours for our families. Our school website and class pages are used as a virtual classroom to host homework, video sessions, learning tasks, important information and various learning platforms such as MyMaths and Reading Eggs/Eggspress.
"Teachers use a range of assessment information purposefully to help inform their planning and to identify those pupils that need support. They quickly identify pupils who may need additional support and work with a dedicated team of teaching assistants to ensure that appropriate and sensitive provision is put in place. This provision is used flexibly and monitored appropriately for its impact on pupils’ progress. For example, a range of short term 'boost' interventions ensure that pupils have regular opportunities to develop their numeracy and literacy skills enabling them to take a full part in classroom-based learning. Strategies such as looking through pupils’ books as a team of staff support a shared and accurate understanding of pupil progression at the school".
Estyn, 2022
The school supports pupils’ wellbeing successfully, through our wraparound full time care. LPS Wraparound is a Full Day Care Service for families in the local area and wider. We are CIW registered and can provide families with child care from 7:30am to 5:30pm every day. We take children from the day after their third birthday and up to the age of 12 years. The LPS Wraparound service provides high quality day care that enhances the development, care and education of all children in a safe and stimulating environment, where they learn through play and collaboration. This philosophy promotes the development of positive self-esteem and confidence in children. The provision uses ‘The Foundation Phase’ approach and ’The Skills Framework’. The service aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, supporting the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of each child.
The Pupil Voice Groups (PVGs) are very strong, purposeful and successful when making decisions and improving provision for all pupils across the whole school. They contribute effectively during LPS Review Weeks, gathering and analysing information, organising events and gauging opinion. PVGs communicate with each other to utilise each other’s specialists’ skills. For example, the LPS iTeam to offer their technical support, such as generating online surveys, creating adverts and producing PowerPoints for the Criw Iaith assemblies. They communicate and present their work and achievements to the Parents, the Governing Body and Challenge Advisors effectively. They increasingly support the SLT to develop aspects of school life and its environment, such as achieving the Healthy Schools Award and Eco Schools Award. LPS have recently achieved Phase 4 of the Online 360 Safety Award, Swansea Healthy Schools Scheme, the Green Flag Status, Siarter Cymraeg Bronze Award and the Bronze Award Rights Respecting. They are also involved in Local Community decision making, for example the Eco Warriors have been working alongside Local Community Councillors to redesign and improve their local park with an allocated budget. They surveyed the school to collate ideas, presented their findings and offered their opinions on how the development should look, giving reasons. The Creative Crew helped the whole school design art work for the pupil toilets, main foyer, stairwells, Early Years Entrance and Main Hall working alongside a local artist, in order to improve facilities and develop interactive areas for all learners. These development initiatives led by our PVGs are creating a positive environment of awe and wonder to inspire our learners, while having a positive impact on their wellbeing.
There are also opportunities for pupils to play a role in the wider community, for example by providing food for local food banks, perform in numerous sporting competitions, take part in our very successful LPS Choir events and contribute to local developments.
Our PTFA run regular fundraising events throughout the year. This provides great enjoyment and community cohesion; additionally, the money they raise enhances the education, environment and experiences for all pupils at LPS. The PTFA have been instrumental in raising standards of Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Welsh and Wellbeing through supporting and funding the following:
Learning experiences and collective acts of worship, promote pupils’ personal development well, including their spiritual, moral and social development. The children enjoy the various forms of worship and are developing their reflective skills. Extensive links with local churches and the community have enriched pupils’ learning and pupils benefit from a varied programme of visits and visitors to school. For example, the local community police officer supports the provision for personal and social education, through a variety of workshops such as promoting pupils’ understanding of internet safety. Additionally, a local business (Three) provides support for the school on eSafety during assemblies, class sessions and Parent Workshops.
The school has very strong links with the wider community. Various projects, events and visits enrich the curriculum and impact on and develop children’s skills, their understanding of citizenship, responsibilities, attitudes to others and life beyond school. The impact of outside agencies (police and health) in promoting sex and relationships education and substance misuse education has been very effective. Children have reacted positively and are well informed. This is backed up with findings from our online questionnaires for pupils, staff and partnerships.
Behaviour is excellent whilst in school, during educational visits and when involved in community events. This has been commented on by governors, visitors into school, members of the community and by the leaders of venues visited. The school has a range of reward systems which contribute effectively towards establishing good behaviour and positive attitudes. Our positive behaviour policy sets out clear expectations for behaviour and sanctions when these are not met. The LPS Code was co-constructed by all stakeholders through a consultation process and forms the large part of our Home/School Agreement, signed and agreed by pupils, parents and staff.
The LPS Code is also used as the LPS Class Dojo system which is a uniform approach across the school. This also incorporates our ‘Good to be Green’ system. Children start the day with a green card. If they display inappropriate behaviour they receive a yellow warning card. If the behaviour does not improve they receive a red card which carries a consequence and parents are notified. At the end of the school day there will be time for reflection. Points are displayed for all pupils and are directly linked to LPS Code. Every child with a green card is awarded two points. Points accumulate to become awards. Class totals are calculated half-termly with the winning class choosing a reward of either Golden Time or extra Playtime. At the end of the academic year, individual totals will be collated in each class. Prizes will be awarded to pupils in first and second place in an awards assembly. Incidents of bullying are rare but when they occur they are dealt with swiftly and appropriately, following agreed guidelines. The school curriculum and weekly assembly themes enable pupils to develop understanding of issues relating to equality and diversity which instils tolerance and respect for all. All staff are trained in identifying issues regarding discrimination, bullying or extremism which enhances their delivery of these topics when teaching pupils.
The Health and Wellbeing Leader works closely with the PVG 'Happy Healthy Helper' to develop understanding and awareness on the UNCRC Rights Respecting Schools and have developed an action plan to enhance provision across the school. They are regular members of the Local Authority’s Pupil Voice Forum which gives all attendees positive experiences to bring back to school to disseminate to all pupils and staff.
4.3: The school’s arrangements for safeguarding are very good, this due to range of co-constructed policies that comply with all legislation, that are shared with all stakeholders and are carried out effectively.
The child protection policy refers to the All Wales Child Protection Procedures and has sections on its aims, the designated teacher’s role and responsibilities, the designated governor’s role and responsibilities, the action to be taken by the school, and prevention. The procedures for identifying and reporting cases are outlined in the section ‘action to be taken by our school’ and instructs staff to report any concerns to the designated teacher. In the same section, the policy outlines the school’s commitment to supporting learners who may have been abused by working with outside agencies to ensure best possible outcomes. The child protection policy and safeguarding suite of policies are reviewed annually.
Two written references are required before a member of staff commences employment. A clear enhanced DBS check is also required and copies taken of an individual’s qualifications. There is a record of DBS checks for all staff regardless of when they commenced work in the school. All volunteers in the school are required to undertake a DBS check. On the rare occasion when an individual is permitted to work in the school before a clear DBS check is received, a risk assessment is carried out and kept on file.
The designated senior teacher is Lee Burnell, the Headteacher. The designated governor is Michelle Kidwell. These people have also been designated responsibility for LAC children. In the absence of these people the vice senior teacher is Claire Bate (Deputy Headteacher) and vice designated governor is Ruth Tancock. Staff are aware of who these people are.
Staff are aware of the need to be alert to signs of abuse as they have received regular training from the LA. Staff are aware of what to do should they see abuse by a colleague, and that is to report the matter directly to the designated senior teacher (Lee Burnell). Staff understand that should a child make a disclosure to them that they cannot and should not promise anonymity or that the disclosure will not be shared with others. They know not to question the child further as this is the job of professionals (e.g. child protection police officers).
The school strives to be an inclusive school that has is a happy, safe community. Children know that if they have concerns they can talk to any adult in the school. This message is echoed in circle time, PSE lessons, PCSO lessons, Online Safety Workshops, NSPCC Workshops and assemblies. The SLT is aware of how to make a referral to Social Services and keeps a record of those referrals. The school is a vital part of the multi-agency approach to child protection issues. All staff are aware that if they witness or are made aware of a potential child protection concern whilst acting in their personal capacity, then they should refer that matter through to social services individually. The Headteacher (Designated Safeguarding Person - DSP) informs Social Services and relevant people if a child on the protection register is excluded or if there are absences that cause concern.
Staff know that allegations against the Headteacher should be reported to the Chair of Governors (CoG) and they will then inform the LA. Staff are aware of the requirement for confidentiality and the importance of keeping accurate and thorough records. Staff log concerns using ‘MyConcern’ and the SLT monitors actions and task related to the progress of a concern. Staff do not contact parents regarding concerns as they report to the designated senior teacher (Lee Burnell). The senior teacher would then contact parents if necessary but would not do so if assessed, or had been advised, that this would put the child at risk.
All staff have had basic training. The training is provided by the LA. Volunteers receive basic training from school admin staff using the LPS Safeguarding Suite on the school website. The LPS Handbook is discussed during induction to highlight safeguarding arrangements. The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher have attended more comprehensive training, again recommended by the LA. As part of induction, temporary staff, volunteers and new staff are aware of the child protection policy and procedures, i.e. report any concerns to the designated teacher and maintain confidentiality.
Parents are aware that the school has a child protection policy and is available on the school website. When the school communicates with parents over a child protection related matter the school informs parents that it is duty bound to share information with other agencies as necessary. Learners are aware that they can speak to teachers if they have concerns. The school has organised NSPCC assemblies and workshops to promote this message.
The school has recently renewed its anti-bullying policy and references the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The school records any instances of bullying. Should the school receive complaints regarding bullying from parents or children then a member of staff is asked to investigate the incident. Sanctions will depend on the severity of the incident and parents are informed of the outcome of any investigation.
The school grounds are enclosed by boundary walls and security fencing, with access to the building via a buzzer system at the main entrance. All children enter the school grounds via the school gate which leads to the main office during wraparound breakfast club time (7:30am to 8:15am), the main gate at the top yard for the Free Breakfast Club (8:15 to 8:25am) or the main gate at the top yard for the start of the school day (8:40am to 9:00am). During the school day, the gates are locked. Visitors and late arrivals buzz the intercom to be granted access through the main door. All visitors sign in and out of the building using our electronic system and provided with visitor badges. Visitors are asked to take a seat while the member of staff is contacted. All visitors are expected to wear a badge before they are allowed into the main building.
All parents are asked to wait outside the school buildings for their children. No child is allowed out of school for an appointment during the day, unless a known adult arrives to collect him or her and reports to the office first. Prior notice should be given to the school. Any pupil leaving the premises must be signed out and back in again once they return from their appointment.
Members of staff are on duty each morning from 8.40am so that parents can leave their child in safety. Staff make sure that the main gates and outside doors are closed securely at 9:00am. Teachers are not requested to be on duty until 8.40am. Parents are made aware that any child in school before this time and is not registered in Breakfast Club or Wraparound, is unsupervised. Children are supervised at all times when in the playground. Supervision is by staff during morning and afternoon breaks and by Midday Supervisors at lunch-time.
An effective intruder alarm is in operation. This is always set when the school is empty. The Headteacher, Caretaker and PSM Security are designated key holders and are responsible for the security of the building. It is the responsibility of the Caretaker to check that all locks and catches are in working order, that the emergency lighting is working, that the fire alarm has no faults and security system are working properly. Before leaving the premises, the Caretaker has a duty to double check that all the windows are closed, that the doors are locked and secure, that the security alarm is set and that all gates are locked.
The school’s health & safety policy covers fire safety, blood borne diseases, first aid procedures, electrical equipment, evacuation procedures, medication, PPE, maintenance, asbestos, violence etc. The H&S policy is reviewed annually and forms part of the safeguarding policies.
Three members of staff have received the full 3-day First Aid training. It is these members of staff who take responsibility for checking first aid supplies and ordering as and when necessary. If there is an accident on the premises then a First Aid trained member of staff is called to attend as soon as is reasonably practicable to do so. Accidents are reported by completion of a HS2 form and injuries are notified to parents via a slip which can be sent home if necessary. All head injuries and any injuries considered above a knock, such as a graze or bruise are notified to parents. The members of staff involved in completing the necessary records (HS1 form for adults /staff and a HS2 form for pupils) will be:
The school has never had a drug and substance misuse incident but if it did, the drugs or substance would be confiscated, parents informed and the police would be contacted. Should any member of staff be involved in an incident of drug or substance misuse then disciplinary procedures would be followed and the police would be informed.
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is provided through the curriculum. Health professionals or other appropriate external visitors may be involved in some RSE lessons and will follow their own professional code of conduct when in their professional role. A teacher will always be present throughout lessons involving an external visitor. The school places an emphasis on enabling pupils to develop the relevant attitudes, values and skills rather than merely gaining knowledge and understanding. In other words, the ‘Relationships’ aspect is seen to be more important than the ‘Sex’ aspect. The school’s provision is tailored to the age and physical maturity of the pupils and this is reflected in the schemes of work.
The school complies with the LA guidance on educational visits. Teachers are required to carry out a risk assessment of the activity and submit using the LA’s Evolve system for approval before the visit may proceed. Providers are also required to submit a risk assessment for the school’s records. Risk assessments are reviewed after trips.
Teachers are instructed not to allow their pupils access to the internet until parents have returned and signed the responsible internet use agreement. Staff have been made aware of the acceptable use policy and the school benefits from the LA’s firewall and internet safety protocols. Class based workshop sessions are held across the school regarding Internet Safety by our PCSO and NSPCC.
Should a child or adult exhibit racist behaviour towards another person (or there is a complaint by a pupil/parents of such behaviour), this is dealt with swiftly following the stages outlined in our policy entitled ‘Equal Opportunities’. Each incident is investigated by a senior member of staff. Any incidents are recorded on a LA pro-forma and sent to the LA. The results of any investigations are communicated to those involved in the incident.
Staff are aware that the use of restrictive physical intervention needs to follow the policy on physical intervention. Any complaint, whether verbal or written, which is received by the Headteacher or member of the Education Department staff about the use of any physical restraint or contact (however apparently slight) will be referred immediately to the Manager of the Pupil and Governor Unit (County Hall), before further action is taken. The Manager of the School and Governor Unit will consult with the Social Services Department. As a result of this consultation, there will either be an investigation by the police and Social Services under the local Child Protection procedures or by the school or establishment under staff disciplinary procedures.
As there are several different elements to safeguarding, there are a variety of ways in which ‘safeguarding’ issues are reported to school governors. For example:
Areas for Further Improvement: